For most of my life I have been searching the globe for the highest quality products & supplements to help optimize mineral levels, maximize ATP/energy production & raise my levels of consciousness. This is why I created the Max Vitality Protocol (MVP) which has helped me do just that. Skyrocketing ATP levels is absolutely essential to healing & expanding your consciousness, and the epic products in this store are some of the most effective ways ever created to do exactly that. Here is a list that just about everyone can benefit from.
Vitality Salts - Max Vitality
The best form of topical magnesium on the market. This is power blend contains magnesium chloride along with all of magnesium’s co-factors to skyrocket how much Mg gets absorbed and help the Mg stay in the cells longer!
Product Details:
•The best way to soak up magnesium through the skin
•Contains the purest magnesium chloride on the planet
•Blended with the ideal ratio of Mg co-factors like Boron and Bicarbonate
•Rapidly increases mineral levels and ATP production
•Can be used in foot soaks, baths or made into healing magnesium oil, mag-a-hol, mineral rich shampoo, soothing topical creams, and so much more!
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Infosceutical Device - Infopathy
Infosceuticals are leading edge technology that contain sets of frequencies (or information) that can be imprinted into a glass of water. This magical blue coaster simply hooks up to an app on your phone and allows you to easily imprint your water with the energetic imprint of your favorite supplements, herbs and emotions. This device allows you to change the frequency of your water into what you want. This devices saves me over $700 in supplements every single month!
Product Details:
•The Glowing IC Pad easily and rapidly transfers frequencies using light, sound and an electromagnetic field
•Imprints up to 2.0 L of water in just 2 minutes
•Dimensions: 8.6 × 8.6 × 1.6 cm
•Has a built-in rechargeable battery with up to 10 hours transfer time on one charge
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Icelandic Sea Salt - Crucial Four
The most mineral rich salt ever discovered. This is hands down my favorite salt to consume orally. I put this white gold on everything, including using it in my water to remineralize, all day long!
Product Details:
•Tremendous break down of trace minerals helping to rapidly mineralize the body
•Contains 3 times more magnesium than Celtic salt
•Contains 2 times more Potassium than Celtic salt
•Doesn’t contain many of the heavy metals and micro plastics that other polluted salts do
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Oral Magnesium - MitoLife
My favorite oral Mg supplement! Mag-ATP is a combination of two forms of amino acid bound magnesium: magnesium bisglycinate and magnesium taurate. The laxative effect that is common with many magnesium products is less common with these amino acid bound forms.
Product Details:
•High quality, amino acid bound forms of magnesium
•Less laxative than other, non-amino bound forms
•Great way to get your daily oral dose of magnesium in an easy to swallow veggie capsule
•Upregulates ATP / energy production in the body
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Shilajit - MitoLife
Shilajit is a complete trace mineral source, containing more than 84 carbon-bonded organic minerals and powerful antioxidants. This tablet form is my favorite way to consume shilajit, and get my trace minerals, especially in larger quantities.
Product Details:
•Contains more than 84 trace minerals
•Rich in powerful antioxidants
•Contains high concentration of fulvic acid
•Powerful anti-inflammatory, energy & immune booster
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Organic bee pollen - Greenbow
Organic bee pollen is the best wholefood form of vitamin B6. B6 is essential for soaking up magnesium. This is the cleanest and highest quality form I have found for the best price! A tablespoon of this stuff is one of the first things I put in my body every single morning.
Product Details:
•Non-GMO and Certified Organic from USDA
•Bes wholefood form of vitamin B-6 which is an essential co-factor for magnesium
•Accelerates how much magnesium gets soaked up from your diet and supplements
•Tremendous source of B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 and B9
•Improves body's ability to shuffle more magnesium into the cell’s
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Beef Liver - MitoLife
I look at beef liver as natures multivitamin, not only does it have a wide variety of different healing minerals but it is also far more bioavailable than inferior plant sources of similar nutrients. This is my favorite source because it has added copper, which is one of the most beneficial nutrients in liver.
Product Details:
•Great source of protein while being a ‘zero glycemic’ food
•High in bioavailable Vitamin A
•Contains all of the B vitamins
•Contains many trace minerals
•Has added copper for additional benefits
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Probiotic & Endotoxin Reducer- MitoLife
This 'spore based' probiotic is one of my favorite ways to improve the health of my gut, and as a result my heart and brain, so I can feel better and perform at my best.
Product Details:
•Has a great breakdown of some of the most well documented microorganism strains
•Can reduce endotoxins by over 42% in just 30 days
•Improves gut health, digestion, mental health, heart health and nutrient absorption
•Helps the body soak up and absorb more minerals from food
•Over 5 Billion CFU
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Vitamin K - MitoLife
This is one of the most effective tools I use to mitigate calcification. Vitamin K2 regulates calcium and guides it out of tissues, joints & arteries to the bones and teeth, where it should be.
Product Details:
•Mitigates harmful effects of hypercalcemia
•Supports ATP production
•Contains the optimal ratio of K2 MK-7 with MK-4 & K1
•Great for assisting with blood clotting, dental health, mineralization of bones and much more
•No vitamin D which many K supplements are tainted with
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Dairy Absorb - MitoLife
This Dairy Absorb product is great for anyone that has been off raw dairy for a while or doesn’t always tolerate it greatly. Dairy Absorb contains a significant dose of the enzyme lactase which allows you to break down lactose so your body can utilize these nutrients to support your mitochondria & overall health.
Product Details:
•Packed with the powerful Lactase enzyme
•Maximizes the minerals your body can absorbs from dairy
•Expedites the process of breaking down the sugars in dairy
•More efficient breakdown and absorption leads to increased mitochondrial function
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If you do not use a water filter, you are the filter! To call this a water filter does it no justice, this is a whole water purification system. This is the gold standard of water optimization for your home. This is an affordable and easy to install home filtration system that will keep your water absolutely pristine.
•Reverse Osmosis, micron, UV, Carbon and coconut filtration
•This system even remineralizes the water for you, huge plus
•Structures and recharges the water, making it the purest water on the planet
•Long lasting and simple install
Hair Mineral Analysis Test - Upgrade Labs
The best way to quantify the health of your body from the comfort of your own home! This is a must do if you are looking to develop a strategic and deliberate health plan that will help you crush your goals.
Product Details
•Accurate and affordable at-home test
•Fast and easy to use
•7 in 1 testing solutions including key mineral levels, hormones, metabolism, adrenal, thyroid, heavy metals and immune system
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Essential Amino Acids - Kion
Essential Amino Acids or EAA's are the building blocks of protein, energy and total body health. EAA's are the aminos that your body cannot make and must get through dietary intake or supplementation. Kion Aminos Powder is a premium blend of leucine-enriched essential amino acids in a convenient, delicious drink mix. These EAA's fuel my daily workouts, spontaneous adventures, and a joyful, active lifestyle.
Product Details:
•Complete panel of all 9 essential amino acids
•Come in multiple delicious flavors
•Great tasting, easily dissolved and fast acting
•100% plant-based, sourced from beans and peas
•Gluten free
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Zen Nasal Spray (Extra Strength) - MitoZen Scientific
Sacred Amazonian Hape is a natural, plant medicine I have been using to accelerate my meditation and connection with my inner being for years. This brilliant nasal spray is made of Hape, blended with the love hormone, Oxytocin, to help increase sensations of Zen, calm and self-love during your meditation. Highly recommend for anyone looking to take their meditation to the next level.
Product Details:
•10ml bottle. Serving size 2-4 mists
•Contains sacred Amazonian Hape
•Easy to use, super fine mist
•Contains 12iu of oxytocin per spray. 540iu / bottle
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Magnesium Bicarbonate - Crucial Four
Mag bicarbonate is a form of mag that you mix with water. Bicarbonate is a great compliment to topical and oral forms of magnesium. With this powder, it is super easy to make at home. Simply mix a scoop or two with a liter of carbonated water and take a 3oz shot per day.
Magnesium bicarbonate...
•Uses magnesium from the Dead Sea that is over 99.9% pure and free of toxic heavy metals & pollutants
•Easy to make at home
•Bicarbonate helps get more magnesium into the mitochondria
• Far more bioavailable than most oral Mg supplements
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Adrenal Cocktail - Jigsaw Health
I drink at least two adrenal cocktails every day. If you aren’t into making your own adrenal cocktails, this is the best solution. This is a mix of the best minerals to revitalize your adrenals and balance your stress hormones.
Product Details:
•Fuels your adrenals by helping balance your sodium, potassium, vitamin C and mag ratio
•Improved adrenal function and mineral utilization
•Replenishes your adrenals and helps fight fatigue
•Rich in wholefood vitamin C
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Copper Netti Pot - Rada Ayurveda
Both Yoga & Ayurveda say that the depth and quality of your breath is essential for health. I use this Netti pot at the beginning of everyday to clear my sinuses and rinse any debris or mucous from my naval cavity. Toss the plastic and upgrade to this epic copper Netti pot!
Product Details:
•Pure copper structure
•Promotes overall nasal and sinus health
•Increases Prana, the vital life force within our system
•Keeps the head feeling clear and the mind refreshed
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Colostrum - Kion
It has been known that a mothers first 'milks' is one of the most powerful sources of nutrition for their young. Colostrum, aka "nature's first food" is a natural, milky fluid responsible for these healing effects. It contains natural sources of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and enzymes that help to support your immune system and improve gut health. Mixing with raw goat milk is one of my favorite ways to kickstart my morning!
Product Details:
•From grass fed pasture raised cows
•Single origin and non-GMO
•No antibiotics or hormones
•Contains natural sources of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and enzymes
•Contains powerful peptides, growth factors and antibodies
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Ionic Silica Drops - Eidon
Silica is an important calcium management mineral. Supplementing it will help preserve your magnesium levels by shuffling calcium to where it belongs. This ionic form if the best way I have ever found to up silica levels in the body.
Product Details:
•All natural, vegan, gluten-free
•Ionic form is extremely well absorbed
•No artificial colors or preservatives
•Slows the rate of magnesium utilization
•Important calcium management mineral
•Increases collagen production, hair & nail growth
Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil - Rosita
Cod liver oil (CLO) is the best whole food source I have found of the essential & extremely underrated nutrient vitamin A / Retinol! Rosita oil is This is the only fresh, wild caught and raw CLO in the entire world and is totally unlike fish oil or omega-3 supplements which are loaded with toxic PUFA’s. This CLO is balanced with saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat and also has an incredible 10:1 ratio of naturally occurring vitamin A to D! Supplementing more vitamin A / Retinol has upgraded my life in countless ways!
Pure: Extra Virgin CLO contains 100% naturally occurring nutrients: vitamins A and D; no synthetic vitamins.
Sustainable: Authentic cod are caught hook and line on our own fishing boats in Norway.
Unprocessed & raw: Oil is quickly and naturally released without heat, chemicals or mechanics.
Benefits: Supports immunity, vision, reproduction, bone and brain health; may reduce inflammation and promote healthy skin.*
Calm Troche - Troscriptions
These Calm Troches are one of the most effective ways to help you quiet your mind, relax, and feel your stress/tension melt away. One little square gives you a dose of some of the planets most calming compounds like Kava, CBD, CBG and GABA, to help you relax, destress and find your zen. Easily dissolves in your mouth and is rapidly absorbed to help you conquer your most mentally demanding days.
Product Details:
•Pharmaceutical-grade, purity tested ingredients
•4 troches per box. Up to 16 servings
•Decreased performance anxiety, for tests, speeches, pillow talk, etc.
•100 mg of Piper Methysticum
•50 mg of N-Nicotinoyl GABA
•12 mg of Hemp Extract (CBD 10mg, CBG 2mg)
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Grounding Mat - Ultimate Longevity
The most important time to ground is while you sleep. The electrons you absorb when grounding neutralize free radical damage and inflammation; enhance cellular circulation, which improves cellular uptake of nutrients, oxygen and hormones while maximizing the removal of cellular waste — and so much more. This is the grounding mat that I sleep on all night, every night!
Product Details:
•2 strap design fits all beds
•Slick, thin and comfy to lay on
•Easily goes under or on top of your bed sheet
•The easiest & most comfy way to ground all night long
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Desiccated Oysters - MitoLife
These Desiccated Oysters are an awesome way to acquire the proper forms & ratios of naturally occurring, essential minerals like copper, selenium, zinc, vitamin B12 and is also a great source of iodine! The particular oysters that MitoLife uses are extremely dense in bioavailable copper which regulates iron overload! High quality, fresh oysters are hard to find, this is where high quality, low-temperature, desiccated oysters come in!
Product Details:
•100% New Zealand Sourced
•Each bottle equates to 13.2 pounds of fresh oysters
•Extremely high in bioavailable copper
•Low temperature, desiccated, high-quality oysters
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Stabilized Nano Boron - Upgrade Labs
Boron is one of the best-kept secrets in the world on minerals because of its diverse and vitally important roles it plays in hormones, ATP, testosterone, wound healing, bone health, focus and much more. If you are looking to seriously up your boron levels, this Nano Boron is the way to go.
Product Details:
•Stabilized Nano Technology use small and stable particles to provide maximum bioavailability, and improved symptom relief
•Uses the highest quality boron on the market
•99.9% absorbable
•Does not need to be digested to be absorbed
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Stabilized Nano Magnesium - Upgrade Labs
Magnesium is a rich macro-mineral that is essential for living a full, abundant, and energetic life. If you are looking to seriously up your magnesium levels, this Nano magnesium is the way to go.
Product Details:
•Stabilized Nano Technology use small and stable Mg ions to provide maximum bioavailability, and improved symptom relief
•Uses the highest quality magnesium on the market
•99.9% absorbable
•Does not need to be digested to be absorbed
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Ionic Magnesium drops - Eidon
This ionic form of Mg is quickly becoming one of my favorites! Ionic Mg is great because it is extremely bioavailable, rapidly absorbed and is non-laxative. If you are looking to increase your magnesium levels in the body, I highly recommend trying this out!
Product Details:
•Helps optimize magnesium levels in the body
•All natural and bioavailable ionic magnesium
•Liquid ionized Mg is far better absorbed than most magnesium oral pills
•No laxative effects and ionic form makes it super easy to get large amount of mag
Hydrogen Water Tablets - Vital Reactions
Molecular Hydrogen is a powerful "super" antioxidant and has been shown to plummet levels of oxidative stress in the body. Molecular hydrogen has been approved by the Japanese Government as a medical treatment for heart attack survivors.
Product Details:
•Easy to use tablets, simply drop in a glass of water
•Tablets produce over 100 million times more hydrogen that a normal glass of water
•Benefits are often felt within just 20 minutes of consumption
•Work by neutralizing harmful free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and triggering the body's natural antioxidant system (NRF-2)
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Blue Cannatine Troche - Troscriptions
Blue Cannatine is one of the best, most well-formulated, and unique nootropics I have ever discovered. One little square gives you a dose of some of the planets most powerful brain boosters including methylene blue, CBD, along with a microdose of nicotine and caffeine. Easily dissolves in your mouth and is rapidly absorbed to help you conquer your most mentally demanding days.
Product Details:
•Pharmaceutical-grade, purity tested ingredients
•4 troches per box. Up to 16 servings
•Designed to launch you into flow, enhancing your memory, recall, productivity, focus, and verbal fluency.
•5 mg pharmaceutical grade (USP) Methylene Blue
•1 mg of USP (non-tobacco derived) Nicotine
•50 mg of USP Caffeine
•5 mg of Hemp Extract
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Multiple Ionic Minerals drops - Eidon
A great way to make sure you are getting the right amount of your trace minerals in. These make a big difference especially in terms of how hydrated and energetic I feel throughout the day.
Product Details:
•All natural and bioavailable liquid minerals
•All minerals in this blend are 'ionic', making them much better absorbed
•Contains powerful antioxidants which slow the utilization of mag
•No additives, ethically sourced and cruelty free
•Protects the body from long term damage
Sandman Bullet (Glutathione, Probiotics & Melatonin) - MitoZen Scientific
After reading more about probiotics, the melatonin miracle, how only 2.5% of oral melatonin is absorbed and how the mucous membranes on your backside rapidly absorb these nutrients, I was inspired to learn more about the brilliant Dr. John Lieurance's bullet technology. This Bullet delivery system is the most effective way to high dose glutathione, probiotics and melatonin.
Product Details:
•Advanced bullet delivery system
•Contains 250mg of glutathione, 200mg of melatonin, probiotics and CBD terpenes
•Extreme anti-aging, sex-enhancing, disease fighting effects
•Suggested dosage is one bullet 30 minutes before bed
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Grounded Pillow Case - Ultimate Longevity
This epic Pillow Cover delivers the Earth's healing electrons directly to your head and neck. Excellent for stress reduction, improved mood, better sleep, depression, anxiety, headaches, neck pain, and much more. This grounding pillow is a powerful compliment to the grounding mat, increasing the beneficial results by 300% when used together!
Product Details:
•Ultra-soft, thin and comfy to lay on
•Comes in Queen and King sizes
•The best, easiest and most comfy way to ground your head and neck all night long
•100% money back guarantee
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Blackout Manta Sleep Mask
I love the silent darkness and have always had a difficult time sleeping in rooms with unchecked light sneaking in. This mask blocks out all stray light, is super comfy and stays on all night. If you are looking to take your sleep to the next levels, highly recommend.
Product Details:
•True 100% blackout
•Comfy & durable
•Infinitely adjustable
•Zero eye pressure
Just Blue Troche - Troscriptions
Methylene Blue (MB) is one of the most powerful mitochondrial optimizers on the planet. MB also has a host of benefits as a nootropic, including: improved mood, increased energy, and enhanced cognitive function. One little square of MB dissolves in your mouth and is rapidly absorbed to help you conquer your most mentally demanding days.
Product Details:
•Made with pharmaceutical-grade, purity tested MB
•4 troches per box. Up to 16 servings
•Boosts energy levels, enhances memory, improves focus, protects the brain, and so much more
•16mg of MB per serving
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This is a more portable and travel friendly version of the water purification system above. This is a must have for anyone constantly moving around, traveling or are on a budget.
•Reverse Osmosis, micron, UV, Carbon and coconut filtration
•This system even remineralizes the water for you, huge plus
•Structures and recharges the water, making it the purest water on the planet
•Travel friendly and is super simple to use
Grounding Blanket - Ultimate Longevity
This epic grounding blanket lets you have all of the benefits of grounding while being able to switch up what room you are in. This is the most portable option out of all of the grounding sheets on our list. It also looks like an unassuming blanket, which only adds to its style.
Product Details:
•Ultra-soft, thin and comfy to lay on
•44 x 68 inch size
•The best choice for relaxing anywhere in your home
•Includes an outlet safety adapter
•100% money back guarantee
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Showering in clean water is just as important as drinking clean water. This is an affordable and effective shower filter and shower head that simply replaces your current shower head. What you shower in is entering your body, the cleaner the better.
•Four Stage Process filters out harmful chemicals like chlorine and flouride
•Improves health, look and feel of skin, hair and nails
•Reduces chlorine inhalation, itchy skin, dry scalp, frizzy hair and much more
EMF Mitigating Device - Somavedic
The most effective way to mitigate the harmful effects of EMF’s in and around your home. This is the best EMF neutralizing device on the market, hands down.
Product Details:
•Neutralizes electromagnetic frequencies in a 100ft radius
•Lowers magnesium ‘burn rate’, free radicals and oxidative stress
•Improves cell regeneration, heart rate variability (HRV), and blood pressure
•Harmonizes and structures water in your home, the way nature intended
•Increases energy and vitality
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Vitamin E - MitoLife
PUFA's are practically everywhere nowadays and the primary way that they break down healthy tissue is by depleting them of vitamin E. This vitamin E extract is my favorite way to protect myself and my family from the harmful effects of PUFA’s and lipid peroxidation.
Product Details:
•Pure vitamin E in a base of MCT oil
•Powerful antioxidant properties, protecting your body from oxidative stress
•Important for vision, reproduction and the health of your blood, brain and skin
•Reduces inflammation and vitamin A burn rate
•Boosts lung, immune and mitochondrial function
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Resilienc-C - MitoLife
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect your cells against the effects of harmful free radicals and is essential for many bodily functions. For anyone resistant to taking isolated nutrients such as ascorbic acid, Resilien-C is a great alternative. This particular whole food complex is my favorite way to make sure my vitamin C levels are topped off! Loaded with bioflavonoids, like Rutin which bind to iron and prevents it from binding to hydrogen peroxide.
Product Details:
•High quality Vitamin C from natural sources
•Loaded with powerful polyphenols & bioflavinoids
•No toxic fillers or additives
•No toxic preservatives
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Clean Sunscreen - Kokua Naturals
Although most sunscreen is inherently toxic, when I was living down in Hawaii, I discovered one exception… Konya Naturals is a mineral based, non-toxic, reef safe sunscreen that was designed to be as clean as sunscreen possibly can. When shade isn’t an option or if you are traveling to a sunnier-than-normal climate, this sunblock is a necessary addition to your travel kit.
Product Details:
•Non-toxic, reef safe, Hawaiian sunscreen
•Hawaii grown antioxidants
•Uses non-nano Zinc
•SPF 30 & SPF 50 available
•80-minute water resistant protection